Helping sleep apnea sufferers is what we do.

Look forward to morning again.

We understand the misery and frustration that comes with having a sleep disorder. It's why we offer personalized sleep health coaching services as unique as you are. 

  • Get your questions answered.
  • Get your equipment settings dialed in.
  • Start sleeping better than you thought possible while treating your sleep apnea. 

Sleep Health Coaching

Our Sleep Health (aka CPAP) Coaching services are designed to boost confidence and ban feelings of overwhelm, frustration & fear.

Our coaching clients enjoy...

  • Deep dives on labs and sleep test data, so they feel less intimidated. 
  • Exploration of mask-free alternatives, so their sleep apnea treatment options are clear. 
  • CPAP troubleshooting, so there's less fidgeting with the mask and more sleeping. 
  • Detailed download data review, so all the numbers, lines, and squiggles make sense. 
  • Sleep tracker data reviews, so we can figure out what's helping sleep happen (and what's not). 
  • Strategies to support healthy sleep through nutrition, habits, and supplementation. 
  • Increased confidence in discussing sleep health concerns with their healthcare team so they can feel heard (not herded).  

Ways We Can Help

CPAP Coaching

  • Take control of your CPAP journey. 
  • Troubleshoot with confidence. 
  • Understand your data. 

CPAP Tip Sheets

  • Perfect Your Mask Fit
  • Guide to Getting it On
  • Nasal Pillows Success Guide

Quick Links

  • All the important stuff in one place. 
  • Book a coaching appointment. 
  • Get set up with Sleep HQ.

We get it. You’re tired.

Tired of waiting to get tested, learn the results, and start treatment.

Tired of feeling alone and struggling while you wait for the doctor’s office to call back.

Tired of not having the answers to questions like... 

  • How does this CPAP machine work?
  • Is CPAP the best option for me?
  • Could I get away with a mask-free option?
  • Do I even need to treat my sleep apnea?
  • How do I know if my CPAP is doing what its supposed to?
  • How do I get it to stop leaking & squeaking so I can sleep? 


Meet Your Sleep Health Guide

Carrissa Hankins is a family nurse practitioner, national conference speaker, sleep apnea coach, Sleep HQ expert consultant, the owner of Hello Sleep Health LLC and The Sleep NP LLC

After years of managing sleep & pulmonary disorders for her local health system, Carrissa got to use her sleep apnea coaching skills at home when her husband took delivery of his CPAP machine. 

Having been on both sides of the sleep apnea management experience - as a healthcare provider and the spouse of a successful CPAP user - Carrissa brings a uniquely personal perspective to the care and support she provides. 

Learn more about Carrissa's professional experience.

Our Values


We believe that the best experiences are the ones where you feel a sense of community - instead of feeling lost & alone. 

This looks like unrushed sessions, detailed "ride along" data reviews, and personalized coaching on the topics that matter to you and your sleep health. 


We believe simplicity doesn’t have to mean a lack of sophistication. Needless friction restricts healthcare resulting in negative experiences, delays in care, and poor outcomes. 

This looks like a straightforward service model that meets clients’ needs without the extra red tape and long waits typical of big medicine. By not billing insurance, we’ve removed the biggest source of wasted time and money in healthcare. 

Authenticity & Consistency

We believe that communicating who we are through our actions is more powerful than words alone. 

This looks like living and behaving in ways that are consistent between our inside feelings and outside actions – kind, gentle, and professional. 

Scaling with Technology

We believe in working smarter, not harder. As a single provider practice, we understand the importance of an automation-where-feasible approach to technology. 

This looks like...

  1. An online client portal with features that make life easier (instead of harder),
  2. Offering our clients opportunities to take advantage of telehealth & asynchronous care strategies,
  3. Utilizing e-learning and self-monitoring platforms to foster empowerment. 

Not sure if we're right for you? 

Sign up for a no-obligation discovery call today. 

Complete our confidential form. We'll give you a call.